Ali Iskan ToptancShariah Research Analyst
Ali İskan Toptancı is a graduate of Ataturk University, Business Administration and Foreign Trade, and has a Master’s degree in International Economics from Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences. He also has nearly ten years of experience in Islamic and world economics.
He received madrasa education (fiqh, Quran, hadith, and sunnah) from Molla Huseyin al-Buti, one of the influential Naqshbandi scholars of the region. After starting his career as a Macroeconomist and International economist, he has been conducting advanced world economy analysis since 2013 and advanced Islamic economics analysis since 2015. He studied at the Diyarbakır Chamber of Commerce and Industry as a Foreign Trade Intern for three months. He
worked in the field of commerce and accounting for 4 years. He also researched the macroeconomic impact of oil and gas at KRI to study Oil and Gas Economics.
He has been working on Blockchain for nearly three years in Halal food, logistics and International trade, Islamic cryptocurrencies, Islamic finance, and Islamic fintech.
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